We first arrive at Las Novias Club, a brothel in the middle of the Tenerife desert, in the company of Coral (Verónica Sánchez), whose convertible screeches to a halt underneath its Vegas strip-style neon sign (the pill-popping Coral’s driving consistently puts the high into Highway Code). At Las Novias, women dress and behave in accordance with the characters projected on to them by the club owner, Romeo (Pain and Glory’s Asier Etxeandia). “With his letch’s eye, he brought out the fantasy woman that each of us had inside,” says Coral in a narration that’s equal parts Henry Hill from Goodfellas and Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City, as well as a stylistic carryover from Money Heist.Sky Rojo Season 1-3 Download
Coral is, according to Romeo, “sophistication … what ordinary men desire after watching a French film”. Wendy (the Argentinian pop star Lali Espósito) is the “wild cat that everyone wants to tame” and Gina (Yany Prado) is “innocence, with that naive face of yours”, plus a propensity to romantic daydreaming, that turns out to be more dangerous than it sounds.
Does Romeo actually possess a psychological acuity that Coral is loth to credit him with? Even once the women have escaped, these assumed personas seem harder to shake than the gun-toting goons on their tail. This sexy deconstruction of sexy fantasy is one example of how Sky Rojo has its cake and (sexily) eats it, too. Pina has said in interview that the casting of Spanish, Argentinian and Cuban actors to play a trio of lead characters with corresponding nationalities was intended to accurately represent the reality of prostitution in contemporary Spain. Maybe so, but it also seems like a shrewd and unsubtle attempt to consolidate Money Heist’s pan-Latin fandom by making a few more of the world’s 400 million Spanish speakers feel represented by their friendly streaming giant.