In an Indian village Nandgaon, Uttar Pradesh, a group of women go to a field, away from their village near Gorakhpur in the early hours of the day to defecate in the open, behind the cover of bushes. Keshav (Akshay Kumar) has to marry a black buffalo because his father Pandit Vimalnath Sharma (Sudhir Pandey) is a very religious and superstitious priest, and he believes that his son’s marriage to a black buffalo will help improve Keshav’s fortune.Toilet: A Love Story 2017 full Movie Download.
Keshav meets Jaya (Bhumi Pednekar), an educated college going girl, falls in love with her and eventually convinces her to marry him. However, Keshav’s father is of the view that Keshav’s horoscope is such that he can and should only marry a girl who has two thumbs on her left hand. Since Jaya does not fulfill this requirement, Keshav has an artificial thumb made and gives it to Jaya who wears it as a ring on her thumb. Keshav’s unsuspecting father agrees to their marriage.
On her first morning in Keshav’s house, Jaya reluctantly goes to a field to defecate, but comes back agitated without defecating and complains about it to Keshav. Despite Keshav’s repeated attempts to convince Jaya to give up her stubbornness about needing a toilet, Jaya remains steadfast. He makes a couple of temporary adjustments to solve the problem, first taking her to a neighbour’s house which has a portable toilet for a bedridden elderly woman, and later in a train that has a seven-minute stop at the village railway station, without actually constructing a toilet in his house, but after a while, one day she gets locked up in the toilet and train departs the station and agitated and frustrated Jaya leaves Keshav and moves back to her parents’ house.
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Download | Watch Online | Hindi | All Size | 307 | 3 years |
Download | SD 480p(DB) | Hindi | 420MB | 294 | 3 years |
Download | SD 480p | Hindi | 420MB | 373 | 3 years |
Download | HD 720p(DB) | Hindi | 1.4GB | 385 | 3 years |
Download | HD 720p | Hindi | 1.4GB | 524 | 3 years |
Download | HD 1080p(DB) | Hindi | 5.0GB | 351 | 3 years |
Download | HD 1080p | Hindi | 5.0GB | 460 | 3 years |