“The Whistleblower” is a dramatic film that tells the story of Kathryn Bolkovac, a Nebraska police officer who accepts a contract as a peacekeeper with the United Nations in post-war Bosnia. She soon discovers that the UN peacekeeping personnel, including her colleagues, are involved in a sex trafficking ring. Despite facing obstacles and resistance from those who want to keep the scandal quiet, Kathryn decides to risk everything to bring the truth to light. The film portrays her journey as she uncovers evidence, faces opposition and eventually becomes a whistleblower, risking her life to expose the corruption and make a difference. The film highlights themes of justice, corruption, and the bravery of those who speak out against it.The Whistleblower 2010 Movie Download.
“The Whistleblower” is a dramatic film that tells the story of Kathryn Bolkovac, a Nebraska police officer who accepts a contract as a peacekeeper with the United Nations in post-war Bosnia. She soon discovers that the UN peacekeeping personnel, including her colleagues, are involved in a sex trafficking ring. Despite facing obstacles and resistance from those who want to keep the scandal quiet, Kathryn decides to risk everything to bring the truth to light. The film portrays her journey as she uncovers evidence, faces opposition and eventually becomes a whistleblower, risking her life to expose the corruption and make a difference. The film highlights themes of justice, corruption, and the bravery of those who speak out against it.
“The Whistleblower” is a dramatic film that tells the story of Kathryn Bolkovac, a Nebraska police officer who accepts a contract as a peacekeeper with the United Nations in post-war Bosnia. She soon discovers that the UN peacekeeping personnel, including her colleagues, are involved in a sex trafficking ring. Despite facing obstacles and resistance from those who want to keep the scandal quiet, Kathryn decides to risk everything to bring the truth to light.
Options | Quality | Language | Size | Clicks | Added |
Download | Watch Online | Dual Audio(Hindi-English) | ---- | 129 | 2 years |
Download | Mega(All Ql.) | Dual Audio(Hindi-English) | ---- | 127 | 2 years |
Download | HD 1080p | Dual Audio(Hindi-English) | 2.6Gb | 131 | 2 years |
Download | HD 720p | Dual Audio(Hindi-English) | 1.1Gb | 150 | 2 years |
Download | SD 480p | Dual Audio(Hindi-English) | 340Mb | 127 | 2 years |