In 2057, the Sun is dying and Earth is freezing. Eight international astronauts pilot a colossal stellar bomb aboard the spaceship Icarus II, with the intent to jump-start the Sun, and return to Earth. As they slingshot past Mercury, Icarus II discovers the distress beacon of Icarus I, the first ship to attempt a similar mission, which disappeared seven years earlier, and which signals not having been picked up because of Mercury. Reasoning that two payloads have a better chance of success than one, physicist Capa recommends Captain Kaneda change course and commandeer Icarus I. Mace, the ship’s engineer, opposes the deviation as risky. Navigator Trey calculates and implements a trajectory to intercept Icarus I, but forgets to realign the shields that protect the ship from the sun, causing damage to four shield panels, and if not repaired could destroy the whole ship, immolating everyone in the process.Sunshine 2007 Movie Download.
Kaneda and Capa embark on a spacewalk to make repairs, assisted by pilot Cassie, who angles the damaged portion of the shield away from the Sun. As expected, this allows the Sun to destroy the protruding communications tower; however, reflected light also destroys the ship’s oxygen garden and oxygen reserves, much to the horror of botanist Corazon, as she attempts to get in. As Icarus II‘s autopilot returns the shield to its original alignment, Kaneda orders Capa to safety, and Kaneda repairs the last panel, moments before he is immolated. Trey is unable to cope for the loss of Kaneda, and psychiatrist Searle assesses him as a suicide risk, sedating him, where he goes into a vegetative state.
Icarus II docks with Icarus I. Capa, Searle, Mace, and former communications officer now-Captain Harvey search the vessel, leaving Cassie and Corazon on board Icarus II. They discover that despite the ship having accessible items,Icarus I‘s mainframe has been sabotaged, making its bomb delivery impossible and the bomb unusable.