On a distant planet, Sonic, an anthropomorphic blue hedgehog who can run at supersonic speed, is chased by a tribe of echidnas for his power. His guardian, Longclaw the Owl, gives him a bag of rings that open portals to other planets. She uses one to send him to Earth while she stays behind to hold off the echidnas. Ten years later, Sonic enjoys a secret life near the town of Green Hills, Montana, but longs to make friends. He idolizes the local sheriff, Tom Wachowski, calling him “Donut Lord”, and his veterinarian wife, Maddie, unaware the pair are planning to relocate to San Francisco, as Tom, bored with the lack of action in Green Hills, plans to accept a position he’s just been offered with the San Francisco Police Department.Sonic the Hedgehog 2020 Movie Download.
One night, Sonic becomes upset over his loneliness while playing baseball by himself and starts running at high speeds in a circle, inadvertently triggering an electromagnetic pulse which causes a large-scale power outage across the Pacific Northwest. The United States Department of Defense reluctantly enlists the services of eccentric roboticist and scientific genius Dr. Robotnik to determine the cause. Tom discovers Sonic in his shed and accidentally shoots him with a tranquilizer dart, causing Sonic to drop his bag of rings through a portal to San Francisco’s Transamerica Pyramid instead of the “mushroom planet” he was planning to travel to. A reluctant Tom agrees to help Sonic and the two flee when confronted by Robotnik, who falsely labels Tom a domestic terrorist. The two slowly bond, with Tom finding himself sympathetic to Sonic’s desire for a real friend. Sonic creates a bucket list and Tom helps him complete several entries along their journey.Sonic the Hedgehog 2020 Movie Download.
Having recovered one of Sonic’s quills, Robotnik analyzes it and discovers it holds an almost limitless amount of electrical energy. He decides to capture Sonic and use him to power his machines. As he tracks them down, Tom and Sonic debate over Tom’s plans to leave Green Hills, which Sonic disapproves of. The two manage to destroy a mechanized pursuit drone sent by Robotnik, but Sonic is badly injured. Arriving in San Francisco, Tom brings him to Maddie, who treats him at her sister’s home.Sonic the Hedgehog 2020 Movie Download.
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