A teenage girl named Mai lives with her mother Molly in Grainland. Her father left them when she was young, after which her mother started to depend on robots causing Mai to feel left out. One day, the two attend a product launch at IQ Robotics headquarters. Annoyed at her mother, Mai wanders off, stumbling into the secret lab of Dr. Tanner Rice, who has been working on an attack robot called 7723. Mai accidentally activates 7723, before getting apprehended by security and returned to her mother. At launch, Justin Pin, the CEO of IQ Robotics, reveals a new generation of Q-Bots to the public, but he secretly designed them to explode. 7723 leaves Rice’s lab to find Mai, but is pursued by the city police. He starts to use his weapon systems, making the police forces respond with deadly force. He falls into the lowest levels of the city, damaging his memory core.Next Gen 2018.
When Mai goes outside to check on her dog, Momo, she finds 7723 in her backyard. She initially tries to dismiss him, but after seeing his weapons system, she allows him to stay in the shed. With 7723, Mai confronts some school bullies, by destroying their Q-Bots. The two then embark on a montage of shenanigans throughout the city, but as 7723 accumulates more memories, he struggles to decide which to keep. When Mai confronts him about it, he reveals if he reaches full capacity, he will undergo a total system reset, losing all his memories in the process. Mai suggests deleting his core systems to make room, but he says he would lose functionality.
7723 becomes apprehensive about using his abilities under Mai’s orders, and refuses to blast Mai’s school bully leader when she orders her hurt, so Mai hits the bully herself with her bat, but stopping after the bully begins to cry. 7723 subsequently deletes his weapon system to save his memories and prevent himself from hurting any more people, and promises to Mai to never let her down again, but is unknowingly seen by Molly’s Q-Bot, allowing Dr. Rice to find him, and he goes to Mai’s house to format 7723’s memory and take him away.
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