The movie portrays the life of an old farmer in a small village in Tamil Nadu over the period of a month. Mayandi is an 80+ year old farmer, living a frugal lifestyle, and who talks very little and displays very little emotion. He is tasked with providing the symbolic first grain for the village temple’s annual ceremony as there is no other farmer in the village. The rest have sold out their lands to financiers and for supposed development projects. Mayandi plants a new batch of paddy on his field, and one day, he finds a peacock and 2 peahens dead in his field.Kadaisi Vivasayi 2022 Full Movie Download
He considers them vehicles of his favorite God Murugan and buries them in his field. A fellow villager sees him bury the birds. Soon, Mayandi is arrested for the crime of killing a peacock (because it is India’s national bird). It is then revealed that some years ago peafowl were killed in the village and the investigating police were heckled and there were no witnesses. The police wishing to avenge their humiliation find a witness and file a case against Mayandi who is taken into judicial remand. He is then brought to court where he states to the magistrate (Raichal Rebecca) the facts and examines that the witness only saw Mayandi bury the birds, not the act of killing them. She reprimands the police for filing the false case, and orders them to submit a changed report. However, since the FIR had been filed and filing the new report takes time, Mayandi is ordered to spend 15 days in jail. Mayandi mentions his newly planted crop that need regular watering and the magistrate orders the police constable to take care of that.The police delay filing the changed report and neglect the care of the field while Mayandi’s stay in prison gets extended. Mayandi’s relatives in the village take pity on the police constable (who is watering the field) and agree to take up that task themselves.
Options | Quality | Language | Size | Clicks | Added |
Download | Watch Online | Tamil | ---- | 271 | 3 years |
Download | SD 480p(DB) | Tamil | 400Mb | 268 | 3 years |
Download | SD 480p | Tamil | 400mb | 269 | 3 years |
Download | HD 1080p | Tamil | 4.27 GB | 359 | 3 years |
Download | HD 1080p(DB) | Tamil | 4.27GB | 311 | 3 years |
Download | HD 720p | Tamil | 1.25GB | 484 | 3 years |
Download | HD 720p(DB) | Tamil | 1.25GB | 361 | 3 years |