The story begins as four friends travel with a guest to an airport, when Jignesh “Jiggy” Patel, Ravindran “Rotlu” Sahu, Sandhya “Bombs” Sahay and Shaleen Varma offer to tell Jiggy’s date, air hostess Mala Mishra, the unique love story of Jai and Aditi, two friends who they have known. Jai “Ratz” Singh Rathore is the most non-violent Rajput to have ever existed, while Aditi “Meow” Mahant is an aggressive and impulsive girl. Her nickname is the result of her abuse and scratching of people.Jaane Tu… Ya Jaane Na 2008 full Movie Download.
Despite their differences, Jai and Aditi are best friends in college. They seem perfectly meant for each other, a fact acknowledged by everyone except the two themselves. Aditi often has a bickering relationship with her brother Amit, who seems to hate Jai because of his polite and cool nature, and since Aditi cannot stand any insults against Jai, she regularly picks up fights with him. Aditi dreams of a virile, macho husband, while Jai wants a sweet, romantic girl. Since they do not believe that they are in love, they search for a perfect life partner for each other after finishing college. Jai falls in love with Meghna Pariyar after spotting her in a club where two rough men were misbehaving with her.Jaane Tu… Ya Jaane Na 2008 full Movie Download.
He rescues her by tricking the duo, thus winning Meghna’s heart. When Meghna and Jai get close to each other, Rotlu, Jiggy, Sandhya, and Shaleen are happy for Jai, but nobody notices that Aditi is missing Jai’s company. Meghna informs Jai that her parents squabble but cannot live without each other. Jai visits Meghna’s parents and sees that her father, Mahesh, is an alcoholic who has much friction with his ex-wife Sheela. Due to the meeting, he misses Aditi’s surprise birthday party. Realizing that he missed the occasion, he goes late at night to wish her but is sent back after a conversation between the two culminates in Aditi asking him to leave.Feeling deserted, Aditi gets engaged to her father’s friend’s son, Sushant Modi. She sees in him the macho man she always wanted. However, Sushant is also a spoilt playboy whose ex-girlfriend, Richa, has landed him in trouble twice.
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