Private detective Byomkesh Bakshi and his best friend and partner, author Ajit Kumar Banerjee are chatting when a new client, Mr Nishanath Sen, knocks on the door. Nishanath is a middle aged person, an ex-judge and a rich merchant. He needs Byomkesh for a very special reason. He is searching for the details of an old Bengali movie song (‘Bhalobasar tumi ki jano’) and the actress who sang it, Sunayana, as he thinks that she is hiding somewhere inside his huge nursery, Golap Colony, under a fake identity. Nishanath as a judge hanged at least twenty people, but after his retirement, due to lingering moral regrets, he has sheltered a few homeless people, who have either long criminal records or other qualities that make them social outcasts. Byomkesh listens to everything and accepts the case. Sen pays him the advance and requests that he visit his nursery.Chiriakhana 1967 full Movie Download.
Byomkesh meets a Bengali movie expert, Ramen Mullick, and comes to know about the movie producer’s son Murari. He learns that, when Murari was making love with Sunayana, he was murdered in his own room. 20,000 rupees and many gold ornaments were also robbed from Murari’s room. Suspecting Sunayana’s role in the murder of Murari, a court issued an arrest warrant against her, but she disappeared and her whereabouts are unknown. Ramen gives the details about the actress and also about the film and promises to assist Byomkesh whenever he needs him.
The next day, Byomkesh and Ajit visit Sen’s bungalow and nursery in the 24 Parganas district to meet the residents whom Sen has sheltered. Byomkesh comes disguised as a Japanese horticulturist named Okakura, while Ajit appears as his Indian assistant. Sen shows them the entire nursery including dairy, poultry and an orchid house. He introduces all the residents and Byomkesh photographs everyone. Within a few days, Sen makes another phone call to Byomkesh requesting him to visit again, but the conversation remains unfinished as Mr Sen is bludgeoned to death with a blunt weapon.
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Download | Watch Online | Bangla | All Size | 297 | 3 years |
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Download | SD 480p | Bangla | 350MB | 301 | 3 years |
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