True crime documentaries, police procedurals, limited series based on true events, you name it, we love it. And the darker the better. When Netflix announced its plan to resurrect Unsolved Mysteries, I was flooded with a joy ordinarily reserved for the arrival of Chinese takeout and long-lost lovers returned from the sea.Below the Fold 2021 Movie Download.
Naturally, then, you can imagine my interest upon hearing the synopsis for writer/director Clayton Scott’s feature debut, Below the Fold, which just made its world premiere at this year’s Panic Fest. It opens with the disappearance of a young girl. Disappearance you say? Do go on…And it does. Things start well enough: haunting, lingering shots of a house at night, the front door open, a plaintive phone off the hook, a cigarette smoldering in an ashtray. Frozen in time like the Mary Celeste or the colony at Roanoke, it begs, “What happened here?” You’d be forgiven for assuming that the remainder of the film’s 92-minute run time sets about answering that question, but…not so much.
Enter David (Davis DeRock), a small-town journalist assigned by his cantankerous editor Jason (Daniel Compo) to cover the anniversary of the infamous unsolved disappearance of twelve-year-old Susie Potter. As if dredging up the town’s dark past with its traumatized denizens weren’t enough, David is also tasked with helping the paper’s newest writer, Lisa (Sarah McGuire), settle in. Oh, did I forget to mention that David and Lisa have a past? Yeah, somewhere between colleagues and former lovers, their relationship ended with Lisa’s abrupt and unannounced departure.Old tensions surface, both between the estranged duo and in their interactions with the town when Lisa talks her way into covering the disappearance. Despite the unresolved issues, the pair work well together.