In the small village of Ramgarh, former police inspector Thakur Baldev Singh summons a pair of small-time thieves that he had once arrested. Thakur feels that the duo – Veeru and Jai – would be ideal to help him capture Gabbar Singh, a dacoit wanted by the authorities for a ₹50,000[b] reward. Thakur tells them to surrender Gabbar to him alive for an additional ₹20,000 reward.Sholay 1975 Movie Download.
The two thieves thwart the dacoits sent by Gabbar to extort the villagers. Soon afterwards, Gabbar and his goons attack Ramgarh during the festival of Holi. In a tough battle, Veeru and Jai are cornered. Though Thakur has a gun within his reach, he does not help them. Veeru and Jai fight back and the bandits flee. However, Veeru and Jai are upset at Thakur’s inaction and consider calling off the deal by leaving the village. Thakur explains that Gabbar had killed nearly all of his family members and had both his arms cut off a few years earlier, and that he concealed the dismemberment by always wearing a shawl, which is the sole reason why he could not use the gun in the first place.Sholay 1975 Movie Download.
Realizing how much Thakur has suffered at the hands of Gabbar and his thugs, Veeru and Jai have a change of a heart by declining the reward money and swearing an oath that they will capture Gabbar alive. While protecting Ramgarh, the jovial Veeru and cynical Jai find themselves growing fond of the villagers. Veeru is attracted to Basanti, a feisty, talkative young woman who makes her living by driving a horse-cart. Jai is drawn to Thakur’s widowed daughter-in-law Radha, who subtly returns his affections.However, the skirmishes between Gabbar’s gang and the duo intensify when Gabbar murders the local inam’s son to coerce the villagers into surrendering Veeru and Jai.
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Download | Watch Online | Hindi | ---- | 308 | 3 years |
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