In a world populated by anthropomorphic talking vehicles, the final race of the Piston Cup season begins a rivalry between retiring veteran Strip “The King” Weathers, frequent runner-up Chick Hicks, and brash rookie sensation Lightning McQueen. McQueen, at the back of the field, avoids a multi car crash caused by Chick. While the rest of the running competitors pit for new tires under the pace car, McQueen stays out. This causes him to blow both his rear tires on the last lap. Chick and the King catch up, resulting in a three-way tie. The tiebreaker race is scheduled for one week later at the Los Angeles International Speedway. McQueen is desperate to win the race, not only to be the first rookie to win the Piston Cup, but also because it would allow him to leave the unglamorous sponsorship of Rust-Eze, a bumper ointment company, and take The King’s place on the prestigious and lucrative Dinoco team. However, he struggles to work with others due to his selfishness, which has caused him to fire three crew chiefs and having his pit crew quit after the race.Cars 2006 Movie Download.
Eager to get to California as soon as possible, he pushes his big rig, Mack, to travel all night long. While McQueen is sleeping, Mack nods off and is startled awake by a gang of tuner cars (Boost, DJ, Snot Rod, and Wingo), causing McQueen to fall out the back of the trailer and onto the road. McQueen wakes up in the middle of traffic and speeds off the highway in search of Mack, but instead ends up in the rundown desert town of Radiator Springs, where he is chased by Sheriff and inadvertently damages the pavement of the main road.
The next day, McQueen is ordered by the town judge and medical doctor, Doc Hudson, to leave town immediately, but the local lawyer, Sally, requests that McQueen should instead be assigned community service to repave the road by a machine (Bessie), to which Doc reluctantly agrees.
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