In 1984 Los Angeles, a cyborg assassin known as a Terminator arrives from the year 2029. Kyle Reese, a human soldier sent back in time from the same year, arrives shortly afterwards. The Terminator begins systematically killing women named Sarah Connor, whose addresses it finds in the telephone directory. It tracks the last Sarah Connor to a nightclub, but Kyle rescues her. The pair steal a car and escape with the Terminator pursuing them in a police car. The Terminator 1984 Full Movie Download
As they hide in a parking lot, Kyle explains to Sarah that an artificial intelligence defense network known as Skynet, created by Cyberdyne Systems, will become self-aware in the near future and trigger a global nuclear war in order to eliminate humanity. Sarah’s future son John will rally the survivors and lead a resistance movement against Skynet and its army of machines. With the Resistance close to victory, Skynet sent a Terminator back in time to kill Sarah before John is born, to prevent the Resistance from forming. The Terminator, a Cyberdyne Systems Model 101, is an efficient killing machine with a powerful metal endoskeleton and an external layer of living tissue that disguises it as human.
Kyle and Sarah are apprehended by police after another encounter with the Terminator. The Terminator attacks the police station, killing police officers while attempting to locate Sarah. Kyle and Sarah escape, steal another car and take refuge in a motel, where they assemble pipe bombs and plan their next move. Kyle admits that he has adored Sarah since John gave him a photograph of her, and that he traveled through time to save her; reciprocating his feelings, Sarah kisses Kyle and they have sex.
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