Wrong Turn 5: Bloodlines (2012), directed by Declan O’Brien, is the fifth installment in the Wrong Turn franchise and serves as a continuation of the prequel storyline introduced in Wrong Turn 4: Bloody Beginnings. The film follows a group of college students who travel to a remote town in West Virginia for the legendary Mountain Man Festival, only to become the prey of the cannibalistic hillbilly family and their deranged father figure.Wrong Turn 5: Bloodlines 2012 Movie Download.
The story begins with the notorious inbred cannibals—Three-Finger, Saw-Tooth, and One-Eye—now under the influence of their sadistic guardian, Maynard Odets, a deranged serial killer who acts as their leader and mentor. As the town prepares for the annual festival, a group of five friends—Billy, Cruz, Lita, Julian, and Gus—arrives, ready to party and have a good time. However, their fun is cut short when they get into a scuffle with Maynard and are arrested by the local sheriff, Angela Carter.
Unaware of the true danger they are in, the group is taken to the small town’s jail, where they are held overnight. Meanwhile, the cannibals launch a brutal assault on the town to free Maynard. They cut off communication lines, plunge the area into darkness, and methodically eliminate anyone who stands in their way. The sheriff, along with her deputy and the terrified students, is left to fend off the relentless attacks from the inbred killers.