The film opens in medias res where street fighting issues are raised in Mumbai. Sports chairman Peter Braganza (Kiran Kumar) expresses his desire of making street fighting a legal sport and decides to open a league called Right 2 Fight (R2F). Meanwhile, imprisoned Garson “Gary” Fernandes (Jackie Shroff), a recovering alcoholic and former MMA expert under rehabilitation, is released from his jail term, and his younger son Monty (Sidharth Malhotra) comes to pick him up. Monty gets tensed when his father asks about his elder son David and takes him away to their home. At home, Gary acts protective of all the belongings of his wife, Maria, who died many years ago. David (Akshay Kumar), now a physics teacher, has a daughter with a kidney ailment. Brothers 2015 full Movie
Unable to arrange money from the bank and other sources, he starts to earn money through street fights, as he was once a promising MMA fighter when he was younger. This stresses out his wife, Jenny (Jacqueline Fernandez), as she is worried about David. Meanwhile, Gary, who misses his wife Maria (Shefali Shah), starts hallucinating about her and violently attacks a mirror from self-hating about how he destroyed his family. Monty rushes to stop and comfort his father, realizing how much regret he has. Gary then tries to meet David, but the latter ends up throwing Monty and Gary out of his house in a rage after Gary sees his granddaughter and learns David named her after his mother, Maria.
Through flashbacks, Monty is revealed to be Gary’s illegitimate child. Maria nevertheless loved Monty, as she did David. The two brothers had a close, loving relationship until David was 18 and Monty was 15. On the night of Monty’s 15th birthday, Gary came home drunk and apologizes to Maria for destroying the family, but mentions his lover Sarah’s name, instead of Maria’s. An enraged Maria confronts Gary about this. In a drunken state, Gary hits Maria, who is injured from hitting her head on the furniture, and dies.
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