The Chase is a crime-thriller film directed by Kim Heong-Seon. The movie is about a landowner who helped an ex-detective to chase after the suspect of the 30-year old unsolved murder. I am a big fan of crime movies. I love how this genre makes me think like I am a detective and joins the protagonist in solving a crime. This film left a strong impression to me and it is definitely worth watching. I like how each actor portrayed their characters. Sung Dong-Il, of whom I am a big fan of, definitely aced his role. The supporting actors also helped in bringing the story to life. I personally liked how the film is directed. The twistsand turns of the scenes are not confusing. It contributed to my constant thinking of finding who the suspect is. The cinematography is not exaggerated. The set felt lived-in and believable. Although there are some gross scenes of dead people, it played a big role in making each murder scene realistic. I loved Sung Dong-Il’s character because I never really expected his character in the story. It absolutely surprised me and that really caught my attention to watch the movie until the end. As a big fan of crime-thriller movies, this film is definitely recommended to those people who love critical thinking when watching movies. Each scene will take you by surprise and would never disappoint you in the end. The Chase 2020 full
Oh God I love Korean Movies. I cannot express it enough. With English Language films, Japanese or Chinese movies picking a movie will have a 50% outcome of utter dismay, about %25 meh and the rest is a range of mild enjoyment to a great movie. I picked a random Korean movie and loved it. Really enjoyed it. Great Characters, Great Story, Great plot where you really are trying to guess the ending. That 70’s brown polyester suit!! Great!