Batman and Superman arrive at LexCorp and stumble upon a giant Joker-esque robot piloted by Lex Luthor and the Joker. The villains use the robot’s kryptonite weapon to subdue Superman and crush Batman with a large crate. The film then flashes back to two days prior, in Gotham City, where an award show attended by the city’s finest is being held. Luthor ends up losing the “Man of the Year” award to Bruce Wayne, but the ceremony is interrupted by a band of villains led by the Joker, who rob the audience while the Joker steals the award; in the process, the Joker presents a film about himself, which includes a showcase of his laughing gas that can briefly make people adore him. Sneaking out, Bruce dons the Batsuit and, alongside Robin, defeats Harley Quinn, the Riddler, Two-Face, the Penguin, and Catwoman. The Joker attempts to escape via motorboat, but is ultimately defeated at a nearby carnival. The villains are imprisoned at Arkham Asylum, while Superman arrives to congratulate Batman and Robin, much to the former’s frustration.Lego Batman: The Movie – DC Super Heroes Unite 2013 Download.
Later, believing that the Joker’s gas could help him be elected President, Luthor breaks the Joker out of Arkham using the “Deconstuctor” – a kryptonite-powered weapon which deconstructs unbreakable black objects. The Joker uses the Deconstructor to release more inmates before he and Luthor make their escape. Batman and Robin respond to Commissioner Gordon’s distress call and round up the Penguin, Two-Face, Harley, the Riddler, Catwoman, Bane, and Poison Ivy after chasing them in the asylum’s yard. Batman then realizes the Joker has escaped, and finds some bricks affected by the Deconstructor, which emit an energy signature.
While responding to a break-in at Ace Chemicals, Batman and Robin realize it was the Joker’s doing and search for clues as to what he is planning, but the factory is destroyed by a series of explosive chemical reactions caused by the Joker before he left