The story follows Kishore Kumar’s journey from his humble beginnings in Khandwa to his meteoric rise to fame as a singer and actor in Bollywood. It delves into his personal life, including his marriages to Ruma Ghosh, Geeta Dutt, and Yogeeta Bali, and his complex relationship with his brother, actor Ashok Kumar. The series also sheds light on his struggles with depression and alcoholism, and his eventual comeback as a successful singer in the later years of his career.Cabaret Season 1 Download.
The story follows Kishore Kumar’s journey from his humble beginnings in Khandwa to his meteoric rise to fame as a singer and actor in Bollywood. It delves into his personal life, including his marriages to Ruma Ghosh, Geeta Dutt, and Yogeeta Bali, and his complex relationship with his brother, actor Ashok Kumar. The series also sheds light on his struggles with depression and alcoholism, and his eventual comeback as a successful singer in the later years of his career.
The story follows Kishore Kumar’s journey from his humble beginnings in Khandwa to his meteoric rise to fame as a singer and actor in Bollywood. It delves into his personal life, including his marriages to Ruma Ghosh, Geeta Dutt, and Yogeeta Bali, and his complex relationship with his brother, actor Ashok Kumar. The series also sheds light on his struggles with depression and alcoholism, and his eventual comeback as a successful singer in the later years of his career.