In the year 2022, a new Bengali series titled “Shaaticup” emerges, captivating the audience with its unique storytelling. It introduces a completely unfamiliar location, featuring unknown artists, and the director remains anonymous. However, even for a moment, viewers could not take their eyes off the screen.The enticing series “Shaaticup” compelled viewers from home and abroad to eagerly sit in front of their screens. Who created it? Stepping into the spotlight for the first time, Mohammad Tauqir Islam emerged as the writer and director of Shaaticup. He had crafted the series over 7 episodes, bringing together a group of friends to create this captivating storyline.Completing study in film at the Asian School of Media Studies in Delhi, Rajshahi-born Touqir is now creating another series in Rajshahi, showcasing the local talent.Director Touqir Islam answers the question of why the series is named ‘Sinpaat’. He said, “We pondered a lot about the series name initially, having many options in mind. Suddenly, one day, the name Sinpaat came to the forefront. It essentially comes from our protagonist brother Sohel. This word is a local term from Pabna, which will reflecting our work.”To know what changes have come into life after the production of ‘Shaaticup’, director Touqir Islam said, “After ‘Shaaticup’, there have been many new friendships formed. People have recognized us. Alongside that, there have been opportunities for various projects.”Shaaticup_ Touqir Islam.Sinpaat Season 1 Download
When asked about the advantages and disadvantages of working with new talents, he says, “Working with new people has been an experience since childhood. Working with new individuals allows us to learn new techniques. Moreover, it brings new experiences. Additionally, our main cast for this time is entirely new, and it took some time to shape them.”
“The works ‘Shaaticup’ and ‘Sinpaat’ are two different projects. Therefore, both will be distinct, and it will be the audience who will define where the real distinction lies.” said by the director.